
感谢您有兴趣帮助辛辛那提博物馆中心提供优质的服务, programs, 以及社区教育! 没有这群特别的人, Cincinnati Museum Center would not be able to fulfill its mission to “inspire people of all ages to learn more about our world through science, 地区的历史, 和教育, 吸引人且有意义的体验.”

加入我们,了解如何成为我们团队的一员! No prior volunteer experience is necessary—just enthusiasm and an avid interest in the activities and programs we offer.


我们的成人志愿者履行运营职责, 包括问候, wayfinding, 以及覆盖所有画廊空间的博物馆. Our volunteers work collaboratively and aid the Cincinnati Museum Center collections teams, 办公室团队成员和展览团队. 点击这里了解更多. Ages 18 +


Our teen volunteer fulfills a visitor experience role by helping to greet guest at the fronts of our museums and ticketing lines. 他们还在博物馆里帮助客人指路. 点击这里了解更多. Ages 16-17.


我们的青年志愿者履行运营职责, 包括问候, wayfinding, 以及覆盖所有画廊空间的博物馆. Our volunteers work collaboratively and aid the Cincinnati Museum Center collections teams, 办公室团队成员和展览团队. Ages 13-18.

  • 成为辛辛那提博物馆中心梦幻团队的一员
  • 融入终身学习的环境
  • Free admission to all permanent CMC exhibits and access to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
  • 免费停车
  • 食品店打折
  • 邀请选定的展览预览,特别活动和讲座
  • 专业发展、培训机会和工作经验

*请注意: 对于所有职位, volunteers must attend a general orientation and participate in additional departmental training. Volunteers are provided with the necessary tools and resources to be a successful part of the 青年项目.

  • 履行地板操作职责, 包括画廊解说和节目编排, 覆盖所有画廊空间的博物馆.
  • 代表辛辛那提博物馆中心和青年项目的信誉, curiosity, 以及一种激进的欢迎感. 树立和维护客户服务和包容的最高标准, 所有辛辛那提博物馆中心的客人, 员工和其他青年志愿者感到受欢迎和参与.
  • Deliver a suite of programs that includes but is not limited to multi-disciplinary gallery programs that support experiences across the gallery spaces and a variety of topics such as science, history, 幼儿发展, and art. 确保项目演示是可信的, insightful, inspiring, 以及贯穿终身学习的有趣体验.
  • 参加专业的演讲技巧、展示和节目内容的培训.
  • 为员工、志愿者、客人和展品保持一个安全的环境. 参与安全培训,确保知识的掌握.
  • 与辛辛那提博物馆中心的其他团队成员合作, 成人志愿者, 青少年志愿者, youth volunteers and interns to create a cohesive and comprehensive visitor experience for Cincinnati Museum Center guests.
  • 与学校项目发展部门合作并提供帮助 & 教师合作,社区参与 & 节目,客人参与,和任何其他辛辛那提博物馆中心团队. 根据需要,为社区活动和博物馆项目提供交付支持.
  • 积极寻找与十大赌博平台排行榜相关的信息, programs, 为客人服务, 特殊的展品, 博物馆的展品, 还有其他活动吗?.
  • Take initiative to recognize opportunities for improvement in processes or procedures and work with management to make necessary changes.
  • Actively participate in initial and ongoing trainings for consistency and improvement of service delivery, 热情好客, 团队建设, and messaging to guests with goals of delivering a world-class service experience and creating a culture of exceptional service.
  • 为客人提供优质的服务,为客人提供指导和帮助, 通过一般信息, 价格信息, 项目/十大赌博平台排行榜时间表, etc.; help them plan their day for the most meaningful experience possible.
  • 其他分配的工作.
额外的需求 & 工作条件:
  • 必须有可靠的运输.
  • 该职位在学年期间每月22小时,夏季每月42小时. 每班大约6小时.
  • 工作日是在学年的周六和周日, 以及夏季的周四至周一. 每年最少需要270个小时.
  • Flexibility is required to meet business demands including working evenings, weekends, and holidays.
  • 有些日子需要快节奏的运动,可能对精神和身体都有要求.
  • 大部分时间都花在博物馆的地板上促进教育项目, 解释展品, 并为各类客人提供优质的客户服务时刻.
  • Must be able to stand or walk for long periods while presenting programs or assisting visitors.
  • 一定能举起25磅吧.
  • The team environment is one where all input for improvement is appreciated and all team members support one another.
  • Self-motivated and proactive; curious and able to learn new information quickly.
  • 能够在压力下保持冷静和平衡的反应.
  • 能够管理时间,以满足个人和事业的最后期限.
  • 协作,灵活,快速适应变化的环境.
  • Confidence and ability to speak to and interact with large and small groups of people from a variety of racial, cultural, ethnic, gender, 以及敏感和积极倾听的世代背景.
  • Passion for working with guests; able to coach guests to explore their questions and make their own discoveries; comfort with operational details and ensuring safety through procedures.
  • 能够有效地与员工沟通, 社区合作伙伴, and guests of all ages and abilities through oral and written communications in an understandable and pleasant manner; able to learn and explain scientific and/or historical concepts in ways that are easy for guests and colleagues to understand.
  • 非常注重细节和对安全的承诺.
  • 会接受历史方面的培训吗, Science, Art, 儿童早期发展, theatre, 客户服务, 或其他相关领域.
  • 3年以上节目、教学或表演经验.
  • 能够独立工作和团队合作. Ability to complete multiple tasks in an energetic environment and work well under pressure with periodic heavy workloads, 不断的要求, 频繁的干扰. 这将有助于为大学,工作和职业做好准备.

青年项目 offer a wide array of learning opportunities and hands-on, practical experiences.


学生学业上的成功是辛辛那提博物馆中心青年项目的基础. 虽然没有成绩要求,被接受的程序, 每位参加者均有良好的学术成绩. Students must meet academic requirements to be accepted on many field experiences and to obtain a paid position in the programs. 通过不断的沟通, 青年计划的工作人员要了解每个学生的学业成就. 而工作人员通常会从学生身上察觉到学业上的挣扎, 工作人员通常通过与学生的家长或监护人交谈来了解情况. Maintaining positive relationships with the families of our students has allowed us to be a constant force in all areas of their lives.


  • 1989: 由两名学生在辛辛那提自然历史博物馆创立.
  • 1993: 成立“青年活力”! program; focus turns from youth volunteer program to youth development program.
  • 1998: 扩建为儿童博物馆.
  • 2000: 被引入辛辛那提历史博物馆.
  • 2001: Reached a participant level of 150 students per year; renamed from the "Lab Rat" Program to Cincinnati Museum Center 青年项目.
  • 2005: Received “Best Place to Work Out Teenage Angst” award in the Best of Cincinnati edition of Cincinnati CityBeat.
  • 2006: 达到1500多名学生的校友水平.
  • 2014: 庆祝25周年.

Cincinnati Museum Center’s 青年项目 began in 1989 when two teens started volunteering in the Cincinnati 自然历史博物馆 & Science. 从那时起,已有数百人参加了这个项目, 培养迎接来访者所需的知识和信心, 解释展品, 指导他人. 杰出的99%的青年计划毕业生继续进入四年制大学, 80%的学生获得奖学金或经济援助.

博物馆中心的青年项目旨在提高创造力, confidence, 以及其成员的成功. 通过参加讲习班, 实地考察旅行, 大学网上赌搏网站十大排行, 志愿服务和其他学习机会, 青年项目的参与者为在高中取得成功做好了充分的准备, 大学及以上.

Students may begin volunteering at age 13—well past the age of early childhood educational needs—and are trained to have an impact on Museum Center’s youngest visitors. 青少年项目的参与者被教授幼儿理论, developing, 并向参观者进行教育示范. 通过训练我们的学生如何互动和教我们的年轻游客, Museum Center is excelling in its role as an “investor in community early childhood education.”

  • 100%: 高中毕业者
  • 99%: Participants who have enrolled in a four-year college (the other 1 percent have enrolled in technical school or military service)
  • 80%: 获得某种形式奖学金的参与者,其中一些人获得了全额奖学金
  • Three: 参与者被评为国家优秀学者

The most influential resources for academic success we have in 青年项目 are the museums themselves. 学生们在博物馆的各个领域接受深入的培训, 因此,补充——并且经常超越——他们课堂上的课程和期望. We have the unique opportunity of introducing students to leading professionals in science, 历史与儿童发展. The exposure to these professionals and the constant support of 青年项目 staff clearly provide a setting for each youth’s academic success.


One of the principal goals of 青年项目 is to encourage participants to seek admittance to an institution of higher education. 许多项目的参与者都是第一代大学生. 青年项目 staff work with the youth to support and empower them to attend the college of their choice, 尽管成本, 过往成绩及其他障碍. 这种对高等教育的奉献精神通过YouthALIVE的工作得到加强! 在辛辛那提博物馆中心提供额外的机会来发展工作技能, 探索职业和大学的选择, 提高学习成绩. Activities are open to all participants but designed to address the unique needs of underserved youth, 包括那些有财务状况的人, 情感和家庭问题.

除了青年计划的标准要求,YouthALIVE! 参与者每月参加一次额外的讲习班. 这些工作坊包括大学和奖学金论文写作, 资金管理和预算, 目标设定和文化多样性讨论. 青少年还会参加为期三天的大学校园参观活动, 春假体验,在三天内参观至少四所大学, 暑假期间去一个地方进行为期一周的大学和职业考察. 学生每年可以参观参加项目的八到十所大学. 这意味着他们在高中毕业前要网上赌搏网站十大排行多达32到40所大学. These trips are offered at no cost to the student and all students are encouraged to attend.






青年项目 was financially assisted by the Stillson Foundation, Fifth Third Bank, Trustee